In every family, there is the person everyone goes to when they need help. Whether it’s advice, a shoulder to cry on, or someone to take action. In our family, it has always been Gordie Keith. The best Dad, Husband, Papa, Uncle, Brother and friend everyone can always rely on. So, what do you do when the guy who helps everyone needs help?
In January of this year, Gordie was diagnosed with prostate cancer. Thanks to early detection and amazing advances in science, it is expected a quick treatment and recovery under Dr. Marie Duclos and Dr. Armen Aprikian at the Cedars Cancer Centre.
The worst part of the treatment is expected to be the eight weeks he’s been told to stay off his Peloton bike. So, his kids, nieces and nephews will be riding for him. We pledge to collectively ride 5,000 minutes in his name during the six weeks he cannot. The goal is to raise $5,000 - ($1 for every minute we spend on the bike).
We could not be more thankful for the massive strides cancer detection and treatment has made allowing for his bout with cancer to be so easy. We want to ensure that research can continue to thrive. All proceeds will benefit the Prostate Cancer Research & Care Fund at the Cedars Cancer Centre.
The time on the bike is because we love him.
The money raised is for every person who has to face this disease after him.